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CHAPTER 280 – Meeting the Fluffle

Abigail at her typewriter

CHAPTER 280 – Meeting the Fluffle

Merlot was in the guest room. Down the hall, she could hear Enzo, Abigail, and Dad in the living room eating breakfast. She wanted to join them.

Dad had given her free roam privileges in the guest room, after she had hopped out of the ex-pen. He said she could stay through the weekend, so she didn’t want to waste any time! The only thing keeping her in there was the ex-pen across the door. She grabbed the bars with her teeth and gave it a tug. It moved! Then she pushed on it. It moved some more. Before long, she made an opening big enough for a tiny bunny like her to squeeze through. Cautiously, she slunk down the hall and into the living room.

Dad was sitting on the floor eating breakfast and checking his email when he caught some movement out of the corner of his eye. At first, he thought it was Abigail. He turned to look and started to say, “Oh, hi sweet…” Then, he realized it was Merlot! “Oh my gosh! Merlot! What are you doing out here?” he exclaimed.

Before he could move, Enzo ran over to her. “Hey! You ‘scaped! Good job!” he congratulated her. She was happy to see him. The two rabbits jumped and chased each other, much like the way Enzo used to play with Turbo.

Dad watched them carefully, ready to intervene if they became aggressive. But there was none of that.

Abigail heard the commotion. She came running out from behind the couch to investigate. Being a girl bunny, she had her reservations about sharing her territory with another girl bunny. The two sniffed each other. Then, they circled one another.

Dad stood back and watched to see what would happen. His philosophy was to give them lots of space, plenty of places to hide, and let them work it out themselves. As long as they could get away from each other, there was usually just some chasing and then they’d stop. It had worked for Enzo. It had worked for Turbo. He hoped it would work for Merlot.

Abigail liked to avoid confrontation. That was just her way. Merlot chased after her a bit. “Hey, wanna play?” she asked. Abigail said, “No!” and ran off behind the couch. Merlot stopped and ran back to her friend, Enzo, instead.

Dad stayed on the floor with them for about an hour. Eventually, the three rabbits flopped down in the living room, a few feet apart. Mutual coexistence was achieved!

Dad thought, “Well, this looks promising.” He sensed a foster fail coming.

Merlot escapes from the ex-pen to meet the fluffle.

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