Chapter 49 - Abigail Angel
Abigail gazed wistfully down on the House of Buns. It had been a year since she had slipped the surly bonds of earth and became a rabbit angel. She had been busy guiding rabbits in need to safety, but every so often, she liked to look in on Dad and the House of Buns and see how they were doing.
She was proud to see Enzo had taken over her role as “Resident Novelist” at Small Pet Select. It pleased her to see Bentley had done as she asked and stepped up to take over her role as the nightly “pet bunny.” She was glad that Enzo and Merlot had bonded so well, and Mocha and Hobo were on their sixth year of their “five year mission” aboard the Starship Bunnyprise. Mostly, she was glad to see that Dad was smiling again and not in so much pain, though she could tell he missed her.
A senior angel passed by and asked, “Everything OK at the House of Buns?” Abigail replied, “Yes. They’re doing well. I just wish there was some way to let Dad know that I’m OK.” The senior angel whispered, “Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret. You can!” Abigail turned in wonder and asked, “How?” The angel explained, “You can visit him in his dreams. Just wait until your Dad is sleeping, and then wish like you do when you are trying to will someone to save a bunny, and he’ll see you. Try it!”
That night, she watched as Dad finished giving Bentley his pets and climbed into bed. Once he was asleep, she wished as hard as she could that Dad would know that she was OK.
The next morning, after feeding all the rabbits, Dad sat down for breakfast with Enzo. He said, “Enzo, I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt I found Abigail outside, and I scooped her up and put her in the car so she’d be safe. It was so real! That’s the first time I’ve dreamt about her.” Abigail’s little tail went up when she heard that. It worked! Enzo understood. He thought, “Dad, that Abigail telling you she OK.”
Dad said to Enzo, “Time has shown me that letting her go was the right thing to do for her, even if it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It hurts a little less knowing she’s OK and in a better place now. But I still miss her. A lot.”
Enzo, the rabbit with a kind soul and a big heart, put his paws on Dad’s legs. He understood.

Abigail angel visits Dad.
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