Chapter 40 - Sharsies
Merlot binkied and ran over to Dad, who was just sitting down on the floor for breakfast. “Treats, please!” she thought as she stood up on her back feet and put her front paws on Dad’s arm. Merlot loved loops. Her current favorite were Berry Loops.
Dad could never resist her cute little face and obliged. He placed a loop between his teeth and passed it to her. Merlot carefully grabbed the loop with her teeth, being careful not to bite Dad’s lip. She sat down beside him with her treasure.
Enzo, realizing it was treat time, came bounding over. To be fair, Dad offered him a Berry Loop, too. Enzo sniffed the loop but didn’t take it. Enzo looked over at Merlot, who seemed to be enjoying her treat, and like a line from the movie “Harry Met Sally,” thought, “I’ll have what she’s having!”
Enzo went over to Merlot and stole a piece of Merlot’s loop. Dad said, “Enzo, I just offered you the exact same thing! You don’t need to take Merlot’s!” It didn’t matter to Enzo. He just wanted it because she had it. Dad had observed the same behavior with Mocha and Hobo. Whatever one was eating, the other wanted it – even if there were two of the same thing. To them, it was sharesies. There was never any fighting. Merlot let Enzo have part of her loop. Being “Head Treat Beggar,” she knew she could get more.
Dad placed Enzo’s treat platter on the floor beside him, but he kept crunching on the loop. Merlot finished her loop and asked Enzo, “May I have some of YOUR treats?” Enzo, being an easy going guy, replied, “Sure!”
Merlot sniffed the platter and grabbed a piece of dried mango. Once Enzo finished his piece of the loop, he dug into the treat platter, too. The two shared the platter peacefully.
Dad just laughed and said, “You guys are so weird, sometimes!”
Enzo and Merlot like to share treats.
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