Chapter 305 - Tears from Heaven
Dad hugged Enzo in his arms and stroked his ears as he stared out the window. Gray clouds hung over the House of Buns like a cloud of sadness. Rain poured down like tears from heaven.
A week had passed since he said goodbye to his little girl, Abigail. The pain still cut him like a sharp knife, as fresh as the day it happened. He was raw with emotion.
Enzo could sense Dad’s pain. He calmly relaxed in his arms, trying his best to comfort him. He too, missed Abigail.
If it weren’t for taking care of the other rabbits, Dad would have stayed in bed all day. He tried to go to sleep early, to forget. But, that just meant he’d wake up early and the pain would be there, waiting, like a nightmare that never ended.
Memory triggers happened out of nowhere. Shopping for greens at the produce market could suddenly bring tears when he remembered bringing Abigail with him to shop sometimes. Looking at the purple blanket where they spent so many hours snuggling together at the end would cause him to tear up. And now, after listening to their song, Thousand Years every night for seven years, Dad could no longer listen to it because it made him miss Abigail.
All Dad ever wanted was for Abigail to be a happy, healthy bunny. That’s what he wanted for all his bun kids. Despite all the “things gone right,” it seemed all he could focus on were the “things gone wrong.” But hindsight was 20/20. Would’a, could’a, should’a. It didn’t matter. It was what it was. He made the best decisions he could with what he knew at the time. Nothing could bring back his little girl.
As her vet Dr. Stern had jokingly said, Abigail was a rickety old lady. Her time had come. And at least she went peacefully, knowing she was loved, in Dad’s arms.
This wasn’t the first time Dad had lost a fur kid. But he loved Abigail the most, so it hurt the most. He knew that time would make the waves of pain less frequent, less intense. In time, he would be able to smile when he remembered the special moments they shared.
There would come a time when he would be able to listen to Thousand Years again, and it would bring a smile instead of a tear. And in time, happiness and laughter would return to the House of Buns.
But for now, there was just a cloud of sadness, and tears from heaven.

Enzo comforts Dad as they mourn the loss of Abigail.
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