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Chapter 14 – Merlot in the Morning

Chapter 14 - Merlot In The Morning

It was early in the morning at Abigail’s House of Buns. Enzo sat nibbling on some willow leaves. All was quiet when suddenly, Merlot came bounding out of nowhere.

“Good morning, Enzo!” she said. Merlot was a happy girl. She had plenty of space to run. She had lots of food to eat. She had a Dad who loved her. And she had handsome Enzo for a boyfriend, who, as Abigail had said, was a “good egg.” 

Merlot couldn’t contain herself. She binkied and took off running. She ran zoomies around the purple couch and the coffee table before dashing through the living room. After lapping the dining room table, she ran back into the living room and flopped down hard beside Enzo. 

“Who wound you up?” asked Enzo. Merlot replied, “Sometimes, a bun’s just gotta run!”

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