Through Abigail’s Eyes: “The Great Divide”
The guest room has always been unexplored territory. But maybe, just maybe, Abigail can muster the courage to expand her domain!
The guest room has always been unexplored territory. But maybe, just maybe, Abigail can muster the courage to expand her domain!
Brave Dad to the rescue! Whenever Abigail feels uneasy, Dad is there to let her know he will always protect her.
Even though playing on the floor hurt Dad’s back and sometimes his knees, he knew that Abigail loved when they were on the same level.
Abigail doesn’t understand how humans change coats every day, but rabbits only a few times a year. She’s happy she doesn’t have to change hers every day.
Abigail is wondering why dad is taking her to the car. She doesn’t want to leave the house! But dad knows best. Off to the vet to get spayed.
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