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Belinda Says Hay: ”Back Home Finally”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, "Back Home Finally" August 25, 2024

Hello. It's Belinda.

Today's blog is a quick one. I hope you don't mind.

I just got back from the petsitter's house and I'm still unpacking.

Feels so good to be home. Close to my stash.

I even snuck in a quick nap on my sleeping rug. "Out of spite."

If you don't know what that means, you might want to read my blog from last week.

My top priority over the next week is to work on my big report. About smells rabbits like and don’t like.

But first I need to research a little "mystery."

It all started when I read a comment from my friend Karl N. 

Here's what it said:

"Your roommate needing two more weeks to 'fully heal,' Abigail's Bun dad taking off for two weeks, cruise ships and resorts having 'specials' during the middle of summer.

Bun parents and roommates mysteriously needing to 'go take care of important business.' I think something might be afoot, sorry apaw, Belinda."

I read that three times.

Then I read the past few chapters of "Abigail's House of Buns."

The first chapter is called "Vacation Planning." All about Abigail's roommate, who she called "Dad," getting ready for his trip.

The next chapter is "Bunny Boot Camp." The petsitter learns how to take care of Enzo, Bentley, Mocha, Hobo and Merlot.

On Wednesday we found out that Abigail's dad came home. That chapter is called "Where's Dad?"

Well I have only one thing to say.


My roommate was supposed to be resting at home. Taking extra care of her arm.

I'm not sure what to do. None of my business.

If anyone has any "leads" you know where to find me.

By the way I drew a portrait of the petsitter. 

I drew that when she stayed at our house last year. 

You can read all about that here.

OK that's all for now.

I hope you have a good week.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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