The Domestic Chinchilla: How it Happened
Would you believe the domestic chinchilla’s ancestors arrived in South America 41 million years ago? It’s true! Read on for other interesting chinny facts.
Would you believe the domestic chinchilla’s ancestors arrived in South America 41 million years ago? It’s true! Read on for other interesting chinny facts.
Doing your research on what your chin needs and the cost before they come home is recommended. We help you calculate how expensive are chinchillas to keep.
Our guest author, Pippi, shares all the reasons why she loves Small Pet Select’s Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay and why your bun, piggie, or chin will too!
Chinchillas are known for their lush fur, but there’s so much more to them than that. Check out our informational blog on chinchilla anatomy to learn more!
Like in the “Three Bears,” we want your pet’s bedding to be “just right.” Read on to learn why our bedding is great for your pet and the environment.
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