You’re Gonna Need An Exotic Animal Vet
An exotic animal vet can be hard to find, but is a must for all small pets. Be prepared to ask them questions to determine whether they’re qualified.
An exotic animal vet can be hard to find, but is a must for all small pets. Be prepared to ask them questions to determine whether they’re qualified.
Guinea pig lice (and mites) are annoying and irritating, but pretty easy to treat. And, good news: guinea pig parasites are species-specific, so you can’t catch them. #Winning!
Bladder stones in guinea pigs are a common problem. Diet adjustments are key to preventing. Once they’ve formed, surgery is almost always needed.
It’s up to us to provide guinea pigs with a healthy, balanced diet. If you provide your cavy a healthy diet, are salt licks necessary?
Guinea pigs eat and poop pretty much 24/7. Litter training guinea pigs is possible-ish, but should work with their natural digestive process.
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