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little people little animals

Little People and Little Animals: teaching kids about rabbits and guinea pigs.

Rabbits and guinea pigs can be terrific friends for children, and the relationship can be rewarding for everyone involved.  It takes some work, though, parents.  The main themes aren’t that different than sharing your home with a dog, or cat, or really even other humans!  Teaching kids how to live with and love tiny animals … Continue Reading

super charged rabbit nutrition

Super-charged rabbit nutrition!

Super nutrition means better all around health, and maybe some extra time with your best friend.  Just like we pay attention to our own diets, and try our best to get a good broad range of all the things we need, we can do the same for what we feed our rabbits. Small animals are herbivores.  … Continue Reading

storing hay

Storing hay

Hay is messy, and takes up space. Where and how we store it can be problematic – we want it out of the way, but we need to get to it several times a day.   Your hay does best in the dark, where sun can’t damage it.  It also does best in dry places, with lots … Continue Reading

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