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rabbit bonding before you start

Rabbit bonding: before you start

​ You’ve read our last post, and are all up to speed, right?  So now, lets take a look at rabbit bonding: before you start the process and jump in to any blind dates, there are some things that should be done.The very first thing you will need to do to even begin the process is … Continue Reading

rabbit bonding deciding to add new family member

Rabbit bonding: deciding to add a new family member

​ Rabbits do love to have a rabbit bond-mate. Edie Sayeg of the Georgia House Rabbit Society likes to call them “partners in crime”, and swears they COLLUDE to play tricks on the humans. No matter how much we love our rabbits, we can never replace a rabbit bond-mate.  A lot of folks have trouble … Continue Reading

can you tell if your rabbit is asleep

Can you tell if your rabbit is asleep?

Wondering if you can tell if your rabbit is asleep? Many bunny owners may look at their floppy-eared friend and wonder whether she is having a snooze. As their eyes don’t always close, it’s not always easy to tell at a glance. Rabbits need to get a good rest to stay healthy. Most will get … Continue Reading

can dogs rabbits live together

Can rabbits and dogs live together?

Can rabbits and dogs live together? If you’ve decided to bring a bun into a home that already has a canine, you may be wondering whether rabbits and dogs get along. In theory, rabbits are prey animals and dogs are hunters. This can make for a slightly challenging situation… but it doesn’t mean that the … Continue Reading

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