These are just the cutest mouse videos ever. Sorry... that's all I've got for an intro. Because nothing else is needed. 🐭🐭🐭
- Just some mice (and a rat) being adorable as ever. And showing off their gymnastics skills. See what I mean?
- Hurdles. Hoops. Connect Four. Mice are crazy smart. Just watch these two. #slamdunk.
- The more mice, the better. More mice = merrier us. (This one’s 1/2 mice, 1/2 rats. But seriously… who doesn’t want a rat bringing over a Kleenex? I’m not even ashamed to say that they’re smarter than me. And yes, that is a basketball hoop made out of a Lincoln log. Nostalgic much?

- I want these lucky little’s playroom. It’s better than mine was as a kid. I know the video says “hamster guide,” but I can’t control the best videos of mice… even if there’s a hamster in one. Plus, hamsters are so awesome, anyway. So I’m sure seeing one won’t ruin your day.
- Hey Matilda. You’re only a little cute. Turn around. Stretch. Get it, girl! See her do her thang.
- At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry. And so were the mice.
- Hey Ruby, Midas, Athena, Amara, and Brampton. Ya’ll are stars. Have you ever considered being Instagram influencers? You should... you're kinda awesome.

If you’ve got suggestions for the cutest mouse videos or want to share some of your own, please post them on our socials or email them to The world can’t have enough cuteness.
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