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Do Guinea Pigs Need Shots?

Do guinea pigs need shots?

A lot of common pets have a number of vaccinations available for them. But do guinea pigs need shots? They actually don’t! There are no vaccinations available for guinea pigs. When given the proper diet and environment, they can be very sturdy pets

However, they still need to be seen by an exotic vet. Regular checkups will help you keep up with a proper health plan for your furry friend and get all of your questions answered!

Even though there are no shots for guinea pigs there’s still plenty that you can do to prevent illness in your guinea pigs.

 Maintaining a clean living environment, providing a balanced diet, and keeping up with regular checkups with a veterinarian will do wonders for your guinea pig

do guinea pigs need shots?

Your Guinea Pig’s Environment 

Your guinea pig’s environment makes a huge difference in their overall health. As well as how they're feeling each day and how they show their personality.

The two things to keep in mind with their environment are, Is this space keeping them clean? And is this space keeping them active?

Keeping Their Enclosure Clean

One of the health issues you can see in guinea pigs is fungal skin infections. This happens when their skin comes in contact with too much moisture. This is why it’s important to keep your guinea pig’s environment as dry as possible

Improper bedding can contribute to excess moisture remaining in your guinea pig’s enclosure as well as respiratory issues. Look for natural, low dust, sludge-free bedding that is free of harmful chemicals.

Soft Paper Bedding is a popular choice for guinea pigs but you have a few other good options as well. 

Guinea pigs can also get skin infestations from parasites. Products like Pestavert Spray help to prevent infestations from mites, lice, fleas, and ticks.

Long-haired guinea pigs need some help grooming. Regular brushing and combing will help keep their hair clean and free of debris. 

Making Their Days Fun

Keeping Your guinea pig’s environment enriched and their enclosure large enough will keep your guinea pig active. Movement is very important for your guinea pig’s overall health as well as their digestive health

Natural toys and chews in their enclosure will keep them curious and entertained as they explore new textures and tastes. Their natural instincts are to forage so make sure you give them an environment where they can do just that! 

Your Guinea Pig’s Diet

The most important part of your guinea pig’s diet is hay. And the right kind of hay! Guinea pigs need low-calcium hay like Timothy hay or Orchard hay. And they need this available 24/7 as a free-choice food. 

Offering daily hay to adults that’s high in calcium like alfalfa hay can contribute to kidney problems. Save the alfalfa hay for the growing cavies!

do guinea pigs need shots?

Fiber Helps Prevent Gastrointestinal Diseases

Guinea pigs need lots of fiber every day! Fiber helps keep their digestive system in tip-top shape to avoid GI stasis (when their digestive system stops moving efficiently). 

Digestive health also plays a big role in how well your guinea pig can absorb nutrients! 

If you suspect your guinea pig’s digestive system is slowing down, always talk with your vet. You can also ask your vet about using products like Nutri-Rescue to help get your guinea pig’s digestive system going again. 

Roughage Keeps Their Teeth Worn Down

A guinea pig’s teeth are always growing. But they stay a great healthy length when they are able to chew enough hay every day. 

A common health issue in guinea pigs is overgrown and/or impacted teeth. This is extremely painful and messes with their ability to eat… which messes with their digestive system… hay really does keep all the gears turning! 

Guinea Pigs Need Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) is another health issue among guinea pigs. Keeping enough vitamin C in your guinea pig’s diet with fresh foods is just what they need! There are a lot of good options you can read about here for getting Vitamin C for guinea pigs

Guinea Pig Care With A Veterinarian

Vaccinations are a good reminder to visit the veterinarian for some pet parents. Since there are no shots for guinea pigs, you need to give yourself a reminder to get your fur baby checked out regularly. 

If you ever suspect that your guinea pig is sick or just isn’t acting like their normal self, this is the time to call the vet! Make sure you already have an exotic vet picked out before you actually need them. That way your guinea pig can get help faster. 

When You Need To Get Your Guinea Pig To A Vet Immediately

Signs of pain and illness in guinea pigs:

  • lethargic or slow movements

  • hunched position

  • weight loss

  • noisy or fast breathing

  • squeaking in pain

  • drooling

  • squinting eyes

  • loss of appetite 

  • diarrhea or constipation 

  • sneezing

Guinea pigs are prey animals that don’t like to show weakness. They will often hide the early signs that they aren’t feeling well. By the time you do notice it’s often an emergency at that point. So don’t wait to get your cavy help!

Check out what Saskia has to say about guinea pigs sneezing on Youtube!

Do Guinea Pigs Need Shots?

Nope! But they do need lots of care and attention to make sure they stay healthy. The best way to treat illness in guinea pigs is to prevent it from happening. So try to be as proactive as you can as you set up your guinea pig’s space and meal plan. Cheers to many years with your cavy!


We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.


Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.

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