Bedding doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. It’s not just toilet paper! A rabbit breathes in their bedding every day. Some rabbits are eating it too. Finding the safest litter box bedding goes beyond absorbency.
Check out our YouTube video for a coupon code and giveaway! We’re giving away some of the safest litter box bedding to 15 random commenters. Check the video description for details on how to enter.
Now, let’s jump into the bedding.
Dust-Free and Sludge-Free Bedding
Rabbits are hopping and digging in their bedding every day. If you have the wrong bedding, your rabbit will be kicking up dust that gets into their airway. Dust causes irritation in your rabbit's respiratory system leading to breathing problems.
Even paper bedding can have dust, so you always want to check for a dust-free label.
Paper-based bedding is the best option as long as you’re getting it dust-free and from a company that isn’t adding any chemicals to the bedding. These are made from recycled paper that’s pressed into an absorbent litter.
Some paper-based beddings are made from the leftovers of reclaimed paper production. This material is called sludge and it has dioxin in it. Small Pet Select’s beddings are sludge-free. You can always check for a sludge-free label on packages so you know just what you’re buying.

What Not To Use in Your Rabbit’s Litter Box
Now let’s get into (or out of) the bedding that can make your rabbit sick. You can find these beddings at a lot of pet stores. So don’t get confused on your midnight bedding runs.
Clay Bedding
Clay bedding is often used with cats. If you also have a cat at home, sharing isn’t caring when it comes to cat litter. Clay litter clumps together when it’s peed on to make it easier to remove it from the litter box.
But since rabbits often eat their litter, the litter will clump together in their stomach! Causing a serious blockage.
Pine and Cedar Wood Shavings
The phenols in pine and cedar shavings can cause damage to your rabbit’s liver. Definitely toxic! A safe alternative to these is aspen shavings which don’t have toxic phenols. They are shaved right from the tree and sludge free.
Scented Litters
Scented litters sound nice but you need to know where the scent is coming from. If the bedding is artificially scented then you’re exposing your rabbit to a lot of unnecessary chemicals. Over time breathing in chemicals can give them respiratory problems.
Small Pet Select makes naturally scented lavender bedding. It’s paper-based bedding with dried lavender mixed in. Completely safe for your rabbit and it may have a calming effect on your rabbit as well. Can you say spa vibes?
In addition to our Lavender Bedding, we now have Rose Paper Bedding available as well! Sara has the details on YouTube!
How Much Litter To Use In Your Rabbit’s Litter Box
This is where we talk about absorbency. Rabbits don’t bury their poop the way a cat does so they only need the bedding to absorb. If you don’t have enough bedding to absorb your rabbit’s urine, your nose will let you know. Urine smells much stronger when it’s not absorbed in the bedding.
If your bedding is 3 inches high then you’re on the right track. Paper-based beddings usually absorb urine better than aspen bedding. This is fine, it just means you might want to use more bedding if you choose to use aspen.
Most rabbits like to chew while they poo. Adding a pile of hay to the front of the litter box will make your bunny very happy. If you want to keep the hay separate you can also put a hay rack in front of the litter box.
When you know better, you do better! Now go check your rabbit’s bedding and make sure you’re keeping them safe.
Cheers to happy healthy bunnies!