Guinea Pig Food Doesn’t Need To Be Restricted! Here’s Why
When it comes to guinea pig food, we’re not counting calories. Let’s talk about how our cavies work. (And why they are better eaters than we are!)
When it comes to guinea pig food, we’re not counting calories. Let’s talk about how our cavies work. (And why they are better eaters than we are!)
A new pet comes with a bit of a learning curve. Let us help you move up the curve quickly so you can get going with your guinea pig supplies!
Celery is a long beautiful stalk full of water, strings, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Sometimes people get fixated on the strings and wonder, can guinea pigs eat celery?Yes sir, we can! Thanks to these sharp teeth. We chomp through hay all day and we can chomp through celery strings as well! So you don’t need to … Continue Reading
Guinea pigs want natural toys made with care. Check out these handmade guinea pig toys that will keep your cavy and their natural instincts happy.
Setting up your guinea pig’s home is fun! You get right down on their level and explore. While you’re down there, you might notice your guinea pig spends a lot of time with their face in their bedding. Breathing in… what exactly? Before you know it you’re headed into a deep search for the best … Continue Reading
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