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guinea pigs

questions to ask your veterinarian

Questions To Ask Your Veterinarian

You might have a lot on your mind when you bring your pet to your veterinarian, whether the visit is a routine wellness visit or you think something might be wrong. Below are some questions to ask your veterinarian that you may want to write down and bring with you to your visit.What is the … Continue Reading

guinea pig cold

Health Check: Signs of Guinea Pig Cold-Weather Illness to Watch Out For

It’s that time of year when sickness seems to be all around us humans. Can your pet get a guinea pig cold? They can! Cold weather can be stressful for guinea pigs which lowers their immune response, making them more likely to get sick with an infection. So while you’re perfecting your health regimen this winter, … Continue Reading

bumblefoot in guinea pigs

Bumblefoot in Guinea Pigs: How to Keep Your Guinea Pig’s Feet Happy and Healthy

Bumblefoot in guinea pigs is one of the most common complications with a guinea pig’s health. It’s also one of the most preventable conditions! Bumblefoot (pododermatitis) is when the footpad gets infected and in severe cases that infection can spread to the bone. There are a few factors that can contribute to bumblefoot in guinea pigs … Continue Reading

urinary system problems

Urinary System Problems In Small Mammals

The urinary tract includes the kidneys, the ureters (the tubes that go from the kidneys to the bladder), the bladder, and the urethra (the tube from the bladder that urine comes out of). Small mammals can have issues with all parts, but here I’m going to talk about the most common urinary system problems, what … Continue Reading

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