CHAPTER 225 – A Matter of Perspective
The morning sun peeked through the window. Bentley carefully tugged on the gray fleece by his castle with his teeth. Then he dug with his paws to bunch it up. “There,” he thought, “That’s just the way I like it!”
Just then, Dad came into the bedroom holding Bentley’s bright orange food tray. “OK, Mr. B. Here’s your breakfast.” Dad set the tray down and noticed the fleece was all bunched up.
Bentley frowned as he watched as Dad straighten the fleece. Dad said, “Oh, Bentley. Why do you always mess this up?” Bentley thought, “Dad. I had it just the way I like it. Why do you always mess it up? I like it bunched up!”
Dad thought about it for a moment while he watched Bentley grab the fleece with his teeth again and pull it into a bunch. Dad replied, “Well, I suppose you have a point, Bentley. Who’s to say whether the fleece is messed up when it’s bunched up or when it’s flat? It’s a matter of perspective.”
Having put the fleece back to the way he liked it, Bentley hopped over to the food tray to eat breakfast. Dad decided to humor Bentley and just leave the fleece as it was. After all, it was Bentley’s space. Shouldn’t he be able to decide how he wanted it?

Bentley bunches up his fleece blanket just the way he likes it. Why does Dad keep straightening it?
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