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CHAPTER 224 – Bonding Moments

Abigail at her typewriter

CHAPTER 224 – Bonding Moments

Enzo sprawled out on the red fleece on the coffee table, protecting his claim to the “treat table” as he called it. Turbo was off exploring some corner of one of the rooms. Abigail sat on the purple fleece by the window, waiting for her evening massage.

It was 11:30 PM. The evening news was over. Time to give Abigail her massage. Dad queued up the music. Normally, he would move Enzo to his room so he wouldn’t interrupt Abigail’s massage and chase her away. But tonight, he seemed so relaxed that Dad didn’t want to disturb him.

“What do you think, Abigail? Should we try it and see what happens?” Abigail thought, “OK, I guess.” Dad pressed play and Christina Perri’s Thousand Years began to play. That had been their song every night since Abigail first came to live at the House of Buns six years ago.

This was her favorite time of the day. Abigail relaxed and enjoyed her massage. Meanwhile, Dad kept an eye on Enzo. Sure enough, after a couple of minutes, Enzo hopped off the coffee table and ran over to them. To Dad’s surprise, Abigail didn’t bolt. She stayed in place and opened one eye to look at Enzo.

Enzo gave Abigail a sniff and asked, “May I join you?” Abigail said, “OK.” Enzo laid his chin on the floor and pressed his nose against Abigail’s. They were face-to-face! Dad began stroking Enzo’s ears, too.

“Well, look at you two!” said Dad softly, amazed that the two of them remained so close together. He kept massaging both of them as the music played. Thousand Years ended and the next song, Hallelujah, began. Enzo closed his eyes, but Abigail kept hers open.

It had been eight months since Dad first introduced Abigail and Enzo. They mutually coexisted, but they weren’t buddies. Abigail was finally beginning to trust Enzo enough to let him get a little closer.

About half way through the song, Enzo got restless and stood up and walked away. The amazing bonding moment was over, but little Abigail had taken a big step.

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