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CHAPTER 242 – Christmas Dreams

Abigail at her typewriter

CHAPTER 242 – Christmas Dreams

“Ho Ho Hello, Abigail!
You’ve been so good this year.
That’s why I left a magic gift –
So I could bring you here!”

Santa Claus read aloud
From a book he gave to her.
“Abigail on the North Pole Express”
Was written just for her.

Abigail sat in Santa’s lap
So she could see the book.
Enzo perched upon his shoulder
So he could take a look.

Bentley stood on tippy toes.
Mocha and Hobo wore festive hats.
Turbo sat by Santa’s bag
All cozy on the mat.

Abigail was so excited.
She finally met Santa Claus!
It was late on Christmas Eve
She had stayed up just because.

Her eyes grew very heavy
As he continued on to read.
All warm and snuggly and cozy,
She drifted off to sleep.

“Good morning, Abigail!
Merry Christmas!” said Dad.
Abigail woke up suddenly
She still felt very glad.

I saw Santa Claus last night!
It was real, or so it seemed.
We were at the North Pole
Or was it just a dream?

Just then, Dad pulled out a present
It was the very best.
Look what Santa brought for you
It’s “Abigail on the North Pole Express”

Abigail stared closely at the book.
It was the same as in her dream.
Maybe Santa Claus was real!
Maybe, or so it seemed.

Merry Christmas everybun,
from all of us at the House of Buns.

Abigail visits Santa Claus at the North Pole. Or does she?

Abigail visits Santa Claus at the North Pole. Or does she?

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