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Through Abigail’s Eyes: Finding Abigail (159)

Abigail at her typewriter

CHAPTER 159 – Finding Abigail

It was another beautiful morning at the House of Buns. The sun was shining and the living room was all lit up and bright as Dad entered to pick up Abigail’s orange buffet tray for breakfast.

As usual, he sang, “Are there any little bunnies here? Are there any little bunnies with tiny little ears?” It was Dad’s way of letting Abigail know it was him so she wouldn’t have to bolt and hide.

Abigail was not in her usual spot by the window. So, Dad looked over by the heater vent. Nope, no Abigail. Then he looked behind the purple couch where Abigail liked to sun herself in the morning. No Abigail. Then Dad checked her hay tunnel in case she was busy munching on hay. Still no Abigail. “Where’s my little bunny?” asked Dad.

Abigail giggled quietly to herself. She was hiding under the bed in the guest room. “I wonder if he’ll find me?” she pondered.

“Abigail, where are you, baby?” asked Dad, in a more anxious voice. He peered behind the bookcase, which was her bolt to spot. No Abigail back there either. He went over to her loo in the dining room, to see if she was busy there. Nope, no Abigail.

“Hmmm,” wondered Dad aloud, “Where could she be?” Dad wandered into the guest bedroom which was just off the living room. “Are you in here?” he asked. Dad knelt down and peered under the bed. Sure enough, there was the little round profile of Abigail. “There you are!” he exclaimed.

Abigail looked over at Dad and giggled, “Ha ha, Dad. You found me! I was hiding!” She bolted out from under the bed and ran into the living room. She sat down by her hay tunnel to wait for breakfast.

Dad just laughed, “Oh Abigail, you’re so silly sometimes!”

Rabbits have such personalities if they are given the freedom to express them.

Abigail hides under the bed. Will Dad find her?

​Abigail hides under the bed. Will Dad find her?

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