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Timothy Hay for Sale Online or In-Store: Where Should You Buy?

where to buy hay

Does Timothy Hay for Sale Online Beat Out Hay From a Store?

In the age of online shopping, it’s no surprise that you can find Timothy hay for sale basically anywhere. But can you really trust its quality? And how does online Timothy compare to the Timothy hay you might find at your local pet store?

These are all great questions, especially when we need to find the best hay ever for our little guys and gals. Here, we’ll share the pros and cons of buying Timothy hay online and in-store. But first, let’s look at what makes Timothy hay so special. 

What is Timothy Hay?

In case you don’t already know, Timothy hay is super delicious and is the main ingredient in any healthy bun’s diet. It has the perfect amount of fiber, protein, and fat to keep their little digestive systems moving. Not only that, but it helps lots of small animals (buns, chins, hamsters, guinea pigs, and more) channel their inner wild animal. They love to forage, dig, chew, and throw around their hay.

There are three main cuttings of Timothy hay: 1st cutting, 2nd cutting, and 3rd cutting.

  • 1st cutting Timothy hay is a high fiber hay. It isn’t as fattening as other cuts, has more flowery heads, and it’s perfect for small animals that need to lose a little weight or those with GI issues.
  • 2nd cutting Timothy hay is what bunny enthusiasts consider the gold standard when it comes to hay. It has the perfect ratio of protein, fiber, and fat. Oh, and it’s so delicious. We personally pick our 2nd cutting Timothy hay (and all of our hay) at our farm in Washington State. We know great hay by the smell and feel, and only give your little ones the best. 
  • 3rd cutting Timothy hay is super soft and will have even the pickiest of littles munching away. It’s the most palatable hay you can give your bunny and it’s ultra-soft.

When shopping for Timothy (whether that’s online or in a pet store), look for super fresh hay that hasn’t been stored for long periods of time. You should be able to smell the sweet aroma of the leaves and stems. The more delicious it smells, the tastier it’s gonna be.

Timothy Hay for Sale Online: The Pros and Cons

Now that we chatted about Timothy hay itself, let’s look at the best places to buy it. Many pet owners decide to buy their pet supplies online because of the convenience, but some people might prefer handling it. Some advantages and disadvantages of Timothy hay for sale online: 

The Benefits of Buying Timothy Hay Online

There are lots of reasons to love buying your Timothy hay online.

  • It’s more convenient. Rather than having to drive back and forth from the pet store, you can have fresh, carefully selected hay delivered right to your doorstep.
  • It’s easier to carry. Although you might think that hay itself is light, it can get pretty heavy when  buying in bulk. Instead of lugging a giant box of hay up your stairs or across the street, let us do the heavy lifting and deliver it to you.
  • You won’t run out. Your bunny’s life depends on having plenty. Signing up for a “subscribe and save” program takes the guesswork out of regularly having to order. Super convenient.
  • We take the guesswork out of finding great hay. Have you ever gone to the pet store to get some fresh new hay, only to find it’s all dried up or, even worse, they were all out? Ordering your Timothy hay online helps you avoid the headaches and save tons of time. Less time shopping for hay means more time for snuggles.
  • You have more of a selection. Big box pet stores only stock so much and sometimes, you’re only going to find a few choices. But, good news. You’ll find tons of options of Timothy hay for sale online so you can find the perfect one for your fuzzy friend.  

Some pretty sweet benefits of buying online, right? But, what are some other considerations you may want to think about?

Considerations of Buying Timothy Hay Online

Although buying pet supplies online has become easier and more reliable than ever, some pet parents still prefer to go to a brick-and-mortar store to purchase. So, while buying online may be easier, here are some things to think about:

  • You have to research the online store. Not all online pet supply stores are the same. Before buying your pet supplies online, make sure they’re coming from a reputable store that cares about your little one’s wellbeing. This doesn’t mean that all online retailers are bad. In fact, you can often find even better toys, food, and hay as long as you find a company you can trust. 
  • You don’t get the hay right away. We have speedy fast shipping and can often get you your Timothy hay within 2 business days, but if you need it immediately, this might not work. It’s super important for your small animal to have constant access, so if for some reason it’s crunch time and you need your hay stat, in-store shopping may be the best way to go.
  • You might have to pay for shipping. Depending on the store, you might have to pay for shipping when buying pet supplies online. All Small Pet Select orders over $40 ship free.

Timothy Hay for Sale Online Versus In-Store

So, there are definitely pros and cons for both methods of shopping.

You should maybe buy your pet supplies in-store if…

  • You are in a rush and need your hay right now
  • You live on the ground floor and don’t mind carrying hay around
  • You are doing a small order that doesn’t qualify for free shipping
  • You’re not sure about the reputation of an online store

You should maybe buy your pet supplies online if…

  • You enjoy the convenience of having fresh hay delivered right to your door
  • You want to earn rewards and points from your favorite online pet supplies store (if they’re offered… we have ‘em)
  • You enjoy having a wide variety of hay, toys, treats, and accessories to choose from
  • You enjoy saving money compared to some big-box store markups
  • You like “subscribe and save” programs and the peace of mind of never running out of hay (we offer this option, too)

The question of where you should buy your Timothy hay comes down to personal preference and your pet’s needs. But one thing is for certain: buying pet supplies online has never been easier and your bun is sure to binky around when they see a big box of fresh hay coming their way. #truth.

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