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Through Abigail’s Eyes: Chapter 211 – 2000 Ears

Abigail at her typewriter

CHAPTER 211 – 2000 Ears

It was a warm, sunny Sunday morning. Abigail loafed by the window while Dad read Belinda’s blog to her. This had been their Sunday ritual for five years now.

“That was nice of Belinda to ‘plug’ your book in her blog,” commented Dad. Abigail thought, “Oh yes. She’s a good boss!” Sales of her new book had been humming along.

Dad said, “OK Abigail. I have to go set up for another rabbit adoption portrait session. We have twenty-one rabbits coming today for pictures.” That was a typical number of rabbits for a Sunday session. Dad had been providing adoption portraits for rabbits at The Rabbit Haven as well as three local shelters for 2-1/2 years now.

One by one, each rabbit was given time to get comfortable with the “set” before Dad took their picture. He wanted to capture their personalities and not have them look scared. He took about 30 photos of each rabbit which he’d later whittle down to the best 3 photos.

The last rabbit to be photographed was a fluffy white Lionhead named Chanan. “Hi Chanan, I have a special background for you!” said Dad. “You see, you are the 1000th rabbit I’ve taken a portrait of.” Dad pulled out a fireworks background to signify the celebration. Chanan’s white fur popped against the colorful backdrop. Chanan thought, “Oh, this is a special picture. I’d better groom myself!” He spent several minutes straightening out his fluffy coat. Then he struck several poses for Dad. “Good job!” assured Dad.

By the time they were finished, it was late afternoon. Dad packed up the set and went back into the house. “Hi Abigail. I’m done!” Abigail hopped over and looked up inquisitively, “How’d it go?” “It went great! Today was my 1000th rabbit portrait. That’s 2000 rabbit ears I’ve photographed!” he laughed.

Abigail thought, “Wow! That’s a lot of rabbits looking for forever homes!” Dad replied, “Yes, and thanks to Auntie Heather at The Rabbit Haven and the shelters, everyone except the current buns have found homes. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Abigail was happy. She thought all rabbits deserved to have a happy home like hers. She thought, “Thanks for helping all those buns, Dad. You’re the best!”

Chanan is Dad's 1000th rabbit adoption portrait.

Chanan is Dad's 1000th rabbit adoption portrait.

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