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Belinda, Spokesrabbit

Belinda the Spokesrabbit blog header

Belinda Says Hay: “More Clicker Training Nonsense”

Hello. It’s Belinda.First a little “hay business.”Have you checked out the harvest sale?It’s a great time to stock up on hay. For example gourmet hay. If you haven’t tried it all l I can say is “wow.” Give the link a click.Speaking of click. That brings us to this week’s topic. Clicker training again.Two weeks ago, … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay_Co-blog with My Roommate, Anniversary Edition

Belinda Says Hay: “Co-blog with My Roommate, Anniversary Edition”

Hello. It’s Belinda.  And my roommate.  She’s helping me with my blog today. So I can “wrap up early” and take a few days off.  Because this weekend is my fourth anniversary on the  job.Can you believe it? I’ve written about 200 spokesrabbit blogs. “Give or take.” Plus social media posts and ads. And launched  my own herbal … Continue Reading

Belinda the spokesrabbit blog; "Clicker

Belinda Says Hay: “Clicker Training, Yes or No?”

Hello. It’s Belinda. Did you see the email on Monday about clicker training? Well I guess my roommate saw it. Because the next day I heard her on the phone. Talking about clicker training. A lot of what she said was muffled because she was walking around the kitchen.  But I definitely heard “Belinda” and “tricks” and “stunts.” And that … Continue Reading

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