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Bunny Parents! Here’s Why Your Rabbit Thumps

rabbit thumps

“I’m thumpin! That’s why they call me Thumper!” Thumper from Bambi didn’t explain rabbit thumps very well. But that cute scene sure makes you want to smile when you see a rabbit thumping their foot.

But should we be smiling? What does thumping mean outside of cute Disney movies? 

Rabbits usually thump as a warning signal. They want whoever is around them to back off. They may be scared or feel threatened. Quite a different feel from Thumper! 

Sara is talking all about rabbit thumps on YouTube!

Do Wild Rabbits Thump?

Wild rabbits thump for the same reason our domestic rabbits do. Although they might have a little more purpose behind their thumps. Wild rabbits may thump as an alarm to warn other rabbits that something is wrong. 

If they hit the ground it’s likely to be heard in a burrow that’s underground. So when stranger rabbits approach their space or if they hear any unusual sounds, they might start thumping! 

Of course, if they’re so scared that they need to hide, in that scenario they will freeze and hope to not be seen. Or run to a safe place and freeze!

Do Rabbit Thumps Always Mean Your Rabbit Is Scared?

Some domestic rabbits may start thumping because they want your attention. And not necessarily because they want you to be aware of danger.

rabbit thumps

They might be feeling annoyed because you’re not picking them up or you’re eating a carrot without them. Or even small annoyances with other rabbits. 

However, this is somewhat rare and you should always consider first that your rabbit is stressed or feeling threatened. But you as the rabbit parent will know your buns personality the best! 

What Should I Do If My Rabbit Thumps A Lot?

Some rabbits do thump a lot and others not so much. Just like people, rabbits have different personalities. Some sound the alarm while others lounge around unconcerned. 

Having an anxious rabbit or a very alert one isn’t a problem, but you may need to take some extra measures to keep them comfortable in their home! 

When your rabbit is thumping they’re trying to communicate. Figure out what it is they’re saying. Are they hoping away from something? Is there someone new around? 

Sometimes children being around can put a rabbit into alert mode. As well as, a new animal or even the smell of a new animal! 

If your rabbit is thumping that means something could be preventing them from relaxing or feeling safe. So you need to remove the threat or remove them from the threatening environment.

rabbit thumps

Rabbits will tolerate and be comfortable with different situations. Some rabbits may feel threatened simply being outdoors while other rabbits love being outside. Some rabbits feel okay with children gathering around them while others are thrown into a panic. 

Know your bun and know their limits! 

How To Create An Environment That Minimizes Thumping

Where you set up a rabbit's enclosure plays a big role in how comfortable they will be. Choose a place in your home with minimal traffic and noise. 

Although I’m sure you love showing off your buns, having their enclosure right inside your front door where you’re welcoming new humans is not a good choice.

You want to minimize surprises and keep their days as predictable as possible. Especially if you have an anxious bun! 

Playfulness and safety go hand in hand (or paw in paw). If your rabbit has plenty to do in their space they’ll be less worried about their surroundings. They will be healthier and happier and ready to take on the stress of the day.

Consider toys for rabbits, their self love, their workout, their cup of coffee in the morning. The little things that put us in the right state of mind. Natural rabbit toys help get them moving and activate their foraging instincts.

Rabbits will feel differently about people but a lot of rabbits don’t want to be held by strangers. Make sure that new people that come to visit don’t chase your rabbit or try to grab them. It might be fun for the guests but it's your responsibility to protect your bun. 

Rabbit Thumps Are One Of The Many Ways Your Rabbit Communicates With You

If you have a rabbit that thumps, it’s not a bad thing. It means they know how to communicate! And we love when rabbits communicate. Otherwise we’re left in the dark about whether they’re bothered or in pain.

And rabbits communicate in happy times too. When your rabbit kicks up their feet in a binky they’re letting you know life is good. And they’re excited about it. 

Sometimes your rabbit will nudge you or stand on their hind legs and beg. In these situations they’re trying to get your attention because they want something from you. A few rabbits will let out some thumps in these situations as well.  

While rabbits are one of the quieter pets you can have, they don’t lack in their ability to communicate. And we love that!


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