It’s snack time rabbit friends! Can rabbits eat blueberries? Yes, they can! Gather around while we talk about these juicy treats and everything you need to know about feeding that sweet tooth!
Rabbits can safely eat blueberries as long as they stay in their rightful place, the treat shelf! It’s important that a rabbit’s main food source is always hay. They need the fiber for their digestive system and the crunch to file their teeth down to keep everything in tip-top shape.
Blueberries and other treats contain too much sugar to be anything more than an occasional snack. Too much sugar can sway their gut bacteria away from the good bacteria that eat the hay! That can cause all kinds of problems for your sweet fluffy guy.
So, yes to blueberries and no to blueberries for breakfast.
The Good Stuff That Blueberries Bring
Some human treats come with a yummy taste but lack vitamins. Blueberries are a different case.
Blueberries have vitamin C which helps with wound healing and maintaining a healthy immune system. Blueberries are also full of antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect your rabbit’s cells from damage!
They help protect your cells from damage too. Pass the blueberries all around!

There are more foods that you can share with your rabbit as well! Check out this video on YouTube where Sara talks about the top 20 human foods that rabbits can eat.
Can Rabbits Eat Blueberries Every Day?
Rabbits shouldn’t eat blueberries every day. Especially because there are so many yummy fresh treats for your rabbit to eat! Rabbits love fresh leafy greens. When thinking about giving your rabbit fresh food to supplement their hay and pellets, always start with leafy greens!
When it comes to blueberries, just give your bun a couple of berries at a time and just a few times a week if that’s the treat you and your bun enjoy.
Treats are great for bonding! Nothing says togetherness like a shared blueberry. And we all know that pets love the person with the food.
What To Look For When Feeding A New Food
Anytime you’re giving your rabbit something new, keep the portion size very small. Think little rabbit bites. If your rabbit’s stomach is sensitive to blueberries you don’t want it to take a big stomach ache to find out.
Or any food for that matter! Here are some signs that your rabbit may be having a hard time digesting a new food:
soft poop
low energy
hunched position (a sign that your bun is uncomfortable)
If your rabbit is showing signs of digestive troubles it’s best to get them checked out with an exotic veterinarian. A rabbit's health can decline quickly and the health of their digestive system has everything to do with the health of their whole body.
Other Fruits Rabbits Can Try
As long as you’re saving fruits for the occasional treat and keeping the pieces small, then you can rotate between different types of fruit. It’s fun to learn about your bun and what treats they get most excited about.
Some other fruits that are safe for rabbits to try are:
apples (without the seeds)
All rabbits are different so if a food agrees with one rabbit, another rabbit might have a more sensitive stomach. You are the expert on your own rabbit. Some rabbits with sensitive stomachs or specific health concerns need to keep a more “boring” diet.

For those rabbits, keeping a simple diet means they won’t have to live a boring life! Make sure the food you give your rabbit isn’t taking away from their energy and usual excitement.
A Few More Fun Rabbit Treat Ideas
Many rabbit treats sold in pet stores are not healthy for your bun. Honestly, not even as a treat. Treats with dairy, sugar, or questionable additives should stay out of the house!
There are some natural choices for rabbit treats that a lot of buns get really excited about! Hay treats use every bunny’s favorite food and turn it into a new texture to snack on.
Hay Cubes are just hay, while Healthy Snackers are hay treats with a touch of dried fruit to sweeten the deal. Healthy Snackers let your bun get a taste of fruit while also getting the hay and fiber that they’re used to.
If you want to create even more excitement for your rabbit you can let them try this Gourmet Hay that has dried herbs, flowers, and berries! This is a fun treat hay that really gives them a taste of foraging!
Why Should Rabbits Eat Blueberries?
In conclusion, rabbits don’t need to eat blueberries or any fruit for that matter! They will be perfectly healthy buns without it. You can always stick to foods lower in sugar like celery or spinach.
Giving your rabbit new foods can be fun for you as well! It’s fun to explore new things with your bun. Small pieces of fruit can also be used to encourage foraging if you want to hide a few fun finds around your rabbit’s enclosure.
Even wild rabbits sometimes find an exciting berry on their daily foraging adventures. Happy snacking little buns!
We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.
Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.