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excessive drinking in rabbits

Excessive Thirst in Rabbits

​Is your rabbit hitting the bottle more than usual? Most rabbits drink anywhere from 50-150 ml of water per kilogram of body weight. This means, in most cases, a six-pound rabbit will drink about or under a cup and a half of water in 24 hours. If your rabbit has always been a heavy (or … Continue Reading

Why rabbits eat poop

Why Does My Rabbit Eat Poop?

Everyone needs a snack sometimes. Rabbits just need snacks ALL the time. Luckily, they have a built in hors d’oeuvre dispenser. No, really. Rabbits eating their own poop are completely normal, and it’s actually healthy. You, however, should probably stick with the real raisins.Where does all that hay go?Rabbits are herbivores, which means they are … Continue Reading

thank you sign

You need a special pet sitter.

Your friend is special.  Different.  Not quite like the other “typical” house pets out there.  Your friend needs a special kind of pet sitter.  So when you go away, it can be a monumental effort to find a great in-home caregiver.   Pay attention to how the potential caregiver greets your rabbit.  Does he or speak … Continue Reading

can rabbits catch a cold

Can My Rabbit Catch My Cold?

There are around 200 viruses that cause symptoms that we humans refer to as “having a cold.” When we’re sick, we don’t really care which one did us wrong. Have you ever gone to the doctor for a cold to be told that rest, fluids, and TLC was all they could prescribe? In due time, … Continue Reading

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