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rabbit bonding first dates

Rabbit bonding: first dates

Got yourself in the right frame of mind?  Let’s do this!  Time for some dates!We recommend that you introduce your bunny to at least 2, 3 or 4 different buns and watch the bunny for various signs that they will or will not bond – we call this Bunny Speed Dating!This is best done at … Continue Reading

rabbit bonding hardest part

Rabbit bonding: hardest part

​You’ve found your bunny expert help, now we’re going to talk a bit about your part in all this.  The most difficult part of the whole bonding process, according to Edie Sayeg of the Georgia House Rabbit Society, is helping the humans remain patient and learn to think like a rabbit.Bonding rabbits, even rabbits who … Continue Reading

rabbit bonding before you start

Rabbit bonding: before you start

​ You’ve read our last post, and are all up to speed, right?  So now, lets take a look at rabbit bonding: before you start the process and jump in to any blind dates, there are some things that should be done.The very first thing you will need to do to even begin the process is … Continue Reading

rabbit bonding deciding to add new family member

Rabbit bonding: deciding to add a new family member

​ Rabbits do love to have a rabbit bond-mate. Edie Sayeg of the Georgia House Rabbit Society likes to call them “partners in crime”, and swears they COLLUDE to play tricks on the humans. No matter how much we love our rabbits, we can never replace a rabbit bond-mate.  A lot of folks have trouble … Continue Reading

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