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can you tell if your rabbit is asleep

Can you tell if your rabbit is asleep?

Wondering if you can tell if your rabbit is asleep? Many bunny owners may look at their floppy-eared friend and wonder whether she is having a snooze. As their eyes don’t always close, it’s not always easy to tell at a glance. Rabbits need to get a good rest to stay healthy. Most will get … Continue Reading

can dogs rabbits live together

Can rabbits and dogs live together?

Can rabbits and dogs live together? If you’ve decided to bring a bun into a home that already has a canine, you may be wondering whether rabbits and dogs get along. In theory, rabbits are prey animals and dogs are hunters. This can make for a slightly challenging situation… but it doesn’t mean that the … Continue Reading

Best Reference Books for Rabbits

Best Rabbit Reference Books

No mater how long we’ve lived with and loved rabbits, none of us has the answer all the time.  There are a few reference books you can keep on hand that will help quite a bit, especially in an emergency.  We recommend keeping these right there with the grooming supplies and hay, within easy reach. A … Continue Reading

right brush for rabbits

The right brush for rabbits

Every rabbit needs to be groomed regularly.  Rabbits are a little bit vain!  They fluff and clean themselves quite a bit, and they end up swallowing some of that extra fur.  This can lead to intestinal blockages, so it is worth helping out and doing weekly grooming.  Some rabbits really like the attention too!  But … Continue Reading

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