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Fact or Fiction: Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate?

Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate?

Before the chill of winter settles in, many guinea pig parents may find themselves pondering an important question: do guinea pigs hibernate? 

With the abundance of conflicting information, let's delve deeper into the world of guinea pigs and unravel any confusion surrounding these adorable creatures.

Fact or Fiction: Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate

What Exactly Is Hibernation?

Hibernation is a state of extended inactivity. Some animals naturally enter this state during periods of extreme cold where there's limited food availability. 

It’s a survival strategy. In hibernation, the animal's body temperature drops while its heart rate, breathing, and metabolism slow down. This allows animals to conserve energy until food sources return.

Luckily for us piggy parents, guinea pigs are not genetically inclined to hibernate. So while some animals may snuggle up for a long winter's nap, guinea pigs aren't joining the winter-long slumber party.

Unlike other small mammals and certain rodent species, guinea pigs are not equipped to handle hibernation. Regardless of seasonal changes, guinea pigs are not hibernators; they require stable and moderate environmental conditions.

Many guinea pigs do not take to sudden changes easily, especially when it comes to meal-time. Since your cutie isn't a hibernator, it's important to keep up with their nutritional needs throughout the year. Hay and Vitamin C are important requirements. Shop our Hay Collection For Guinea Pigs.

Ideal Living Conditions for Guinea Pigs

Create an engaging and captivating environment for your cavy. A spacious enclosure that allows your piggies to move and play around freely promotes overall health and well-being.

It's also important that every piggy has a hidey place to retreat to within their enclosure. Luckily, our woodshop has you (and your piggies) covered!

Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate?

Our habitat collection is perfect for piggies to hide away, rest, romp, and playfully explore!

Check out our Guinea Pig Habitat Hideout Castle - Small and our Hideaway Habitat Tunnel - Medium - your piggies will thank you.

Robin Guinea pig habitat hideout castle review

Great hideout for a guinea pig! 

I have 2 guinea pigs, Hank and Henry (both rescues). They are fairly shy, and love to hide in boxes of this Small Castle hideout. It is perfect for them as they can run inside and feel secure, and have a couple of exits which they can use depending on where in the room they want to go. It is very easy to put together, made exceptionally well, and sells at a great price. Not only that, it is SO CUTE. (OK, so my pigs don't care if it's cute, but I enjoy seeing it)

Guinea Pig Bedding

We should always provide bedding/litter. Especially during a chill, suitable bedding can provide insulation and cushioning for guinea pigs' delicate feet. 

Our  Soft Paper Bedding and Unbleached White Paper Bedding are great options for guinea pigs. It provides a warm, comfortable surface for your cavy to do their business. 

Need an extra layer of warmth for your companion? Our Cuddle Pods are what you've been looking for! Washable cotton fleece that varies in fun patterns - your piggies will snuggle right in.

Do Guinea Pigs Hibernate? Guinea Pig Bedding

Piggies Just Want To Have Fun

We want to provide our furry companions with daily opportunities that are full of enrichment. Prevent boredom and overgrowth of teeth; promote exercise and mental stimulation by providing lots of piggy toys! 

With a variety of high-quality toys on-hand, you can rotate them regularly to keep your guinea pigs' days interesting and fun. 

Shop our ultimate Collection of Toys! Your guinea pigs will be squeaking with delight and oh so thankful.

Ultimately,  it's important to monitor your guinea pig's well-being throughout each season. Especially during the winter months, take appropriate measures to provide adequate warmth and protection to prevent your companions from getting too cold. 

If you ever have any concerns when caring for your piggies or notice a sudden change in their appetite or behavior, consulting with a veterinarian experienced in small animal care is recommended.


We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.

Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.

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