Your rabbit may not pose in front of the mirror, turning this way and that, assessing the need for more pilates. But…you do need to keep an eye on their weight. You are the one in charge of finding that proper weight. If you’re wondering, “Is my rabbit fat or is my rabbit fit?” we’re going to share how to tell.
Fat rabbits are cute right?
They are, BUT excess weight can strain their hearts, increase the load on joints, and even lead to diabetes. Overweight rabbits can’t get to their caecotrophs easily, if at all. Inability to eat caecals not only causes poopy butt and unsightly smears on the floor. Moreover, it also means they aren’t getting to eat those little brown fermented balls that they need to get the most out of their nutrition.

Rocky Roo: "fit"
Sunny Bunny: "plump"
Hobo: "robust"
Photo credits: Jessica Sullivan and Maurice Liang
Do I have to bring out the scale?
No, you don’t need a scale to figure out, “Is my rabbit fat.” Instead, there's the muffin top test we described here. You can also check by feeling along their spine, hips, and shoulders. You should be able to feel the bones fairly distinctly but without any sharpness. Like there is a thick towel between bone and skin. No soft pillowy-ness, though.
How to get slim and trim...
If your bun is a bit chubby, make sure they lose weight slowly. Gradual loss is the only safe way to do it. No quick lemonade diets for these guys, or you can end up with severe health problems. Sometimes a diet change to more fiber is all that is needed, sometimes more exercise will help a great deal. Your trusted exotic vet can help you figure out what is necessary.
We don't know any personal trainers for rabbits, but there are some yoga-with-your-rabbit classes out there! So how do you keep your rabbit fit? We want to know! Comment on our socials or email
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House Rabbit Clicker Training: Why Teach Your Bun?