Top Fifteen Cuties
Happy Summer!!

1st Cutting Timothy is the first harvest of the summer and therefore right around the corner!! This hay contains the most seed head and stem with little leaf. It's also got a high amount of fiber.
We have close relationships with the farmers in Washington State (where we started as well as the home of one of our two warehouses). We personally choose what hay we like by going to fields, seeing and smelling and touching the crops. Then we hand pack every box that goes out, so we see it all again. Our eyes are on everything that comes to you, from the field to your door, so we can get you not only the best hay, but the most consistent hay. This keeps your friend's digestive system happy, and you know what to expect from us.
How to Submit a Pigture
As always, if you want your cutie featured, please email your submission with your cuties name, species (rabbit, guinea pig, chicken, etc.) in the subject line and any other information you'd like to share to
~Eliza and Grace
#1: We're starting off this week with a shout out to the Missouri House Rabbit Society, celebrating 25 years!!!!
As the saying goes, saving one animal won't change the world but it WILL CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THAT ONE ANIMAL.
Thank you to all of the volunteers at Kansas City, MO House Rabbit Society (and everywhere!) for the countless hours that you give.
#2: Hi, my name is Cinnabutton and I was adopted from the Humane Society in Lynchburg, Virginia. My new hooman mom took a huge road trip all the way from South Carolina to rescue me. I am a Himalayan, I am a little more than 1 year old, and it's been said that I am spoiled rotten!! I LOVE my Small Pet Select Sampler Hay Box because it has lots of different kinds of hay in it!
#3: Meet Bob (black and orange, 4 years old) and Dylan (black and white, 9 months old). Believe it or not, their Mom did not name them after the singer, it just worked out that way.
Both are rescues from the Humane Society of Huron Valley (HSHV). She adopted Bob a year and a half ago with his brother Kirby who passed away in February after a long battle with congestive heart failure. Five days later while attending a pet loss support group at HSHV, she was told that there was a young unbonded male up for adoption. His name was Dylan. It felt like fate, so she took him home that day!
It took about a month, a bigger enclosure, and lots of patience to bond them, but they are now best buds! Dylan has brought so much energy to Bob, and Bob is helping show Dylan to not be so skittish.
Their Mom loves how they have unique personalities. Bob is such a loving pig and never runs when you try to pet him. Dylan sleeps on top of his pigloo every night like a king.
#4: This is Milo, he is a 3 month old Flemish Giant. He broke his pelvis a couple of weeks ago and has been an absolute trouper. He is very laid back and happy. He loves Small Pet Select 2nd Cut Timothy Hay and Alfalfa Hay (he needs the extra calcium while his pelvis heals). He also LOVES his daily fresh veggies!
#5:Top photo: Newman is a two year old mini Rex house bunny. He shares a bedroom with his brother, Kramer. He is spoiled rotten and he is independent but likes his nightly snuggles when his hooman gets home from work. He knows that he is King of the house!
Bottom photo: Kramer is a one year old mini Rex house bunny. He is like a puppy. He follows his Mom everywhere in the house. He sleeps with her and wakes her up at 6:15 every morning for snuggles and kisses. He also loves to sit on his Daddy's lap and watch movies on the weekend.
Our very own Abigail tells the "tail" of a house bunny right here:
#6: This is Princess Velvet girl. This bunny girl loves her Orchard Grass and has a couple of boxes around her room so she has access to it anytime she wants it. She loves laying and taking naps in them too. She'll be 6 years old in August and rules the house! As it should be 🙂

UK friends, send us your photos. We can't wait to feature you! Here's your UK Free shipping code: TFC-SUMMER
#7: Deo lives the good life with a subscription order to Small Pet Select. That way he's always got the bunny basics delivered fresh to his door. He uses bundle packs with Hay, Bedding, and Rabbit Pellets.
Become a Small Pet Select Ambassador, join here.
We also have our own Small Pet Select Ambassador Facebook page, hop in and say Hay!
#8: This is what Isaac and Petunia do when they hear Mom open the vegetable drawer. They know they will get some lettuce and are very excited.
#9: Midnight, Cinderella, and Reese (Holland Lops) have gathered in their conference room to have a meeting. Do you think they're discussing hay?!
#10: This is Dodger, he was recently rescued from a hot mall parking lot with no grass anywhere, only roads and cars and the beach across the street. He was dehydrated, weak, and thin.
His rescue heroes got him set up right away with this box of Alfalfa Hay as he's around 3 months old and needs those extra nutrients. They say that other than black feet he’s doing really well.
He makes number 12 for this family of bunny lovers. They say all of their rabbits love the Small Pet Select Hay and Treats.
#11: Hobo says "Boo!" as he peeks out from his hay tunnel. Hobo is one of Abigail's roommates and Dad keeps the tunnel stocked with 3 different kinds of Small Pet Select Hay for the busy bunnies to spend time foraging thru each day.
Hobo also says, "Ummm, Dad? We are a little low on our Oat Hay!"
Thank goodness bunnies can't type, can you imagine if they placed their own Small Pet Select orders?!?!?
#12:This is Babe ,she’s a dwarf rabbit. She loves to stay busy with toys and chews like the Ball Trio, Maize Twist, Loofah Roll, and Honeysuckle Vine Ring.
Welcome to Small Pet Select Babe, around here we have a never ending supply of fun and yummy products so humans can spoil their fur babies!
#13: These piggies love Small Pet Select 2nd Cut Timothy hay.
Check out this article if you are trying to decide on which type of hay to purchase for your small pets:
#14: Meet Ruby, she is a 5 month old Holland Lop. Her Mom says she’s very spoiled (this seems to be a theme this week!!). Ruby loves to gobble up 2nd Cut Timothy Hay as well as Premium Rabbit Food Pellets.
#15: This is Daisy Mae, in this photo she is 9 weeks old. She is a broken sable point and you guessed it, a totally spoiled rabbit!! Her hooman gets her rabbit supplies from Small Pet Select so she can grow up healthy and strong eating fresh yummy Hay.
Summer is that wonderful time of year when barbecues and beach trips reign, when work slows and summer holidays mean getting together with friends and family. Just thinking about it likely brings up the smell of fresh cut grass and the taste of cold lemonade.
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- Only applies to orders placed on and shipped to an address in the Continental United States (not Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories, or Canada) or orders placed on and shipped within the UK.
We sincerely appreciate all the pigtures and stories people email us, post on our social media accounts, and in our reviews. Watch this space; the cutie you submit to us just may make an appearance!