Through Abigail’s Eyes: A Big Step (87)
It takes time for rabbits to learn trust. And Abigail is no exception. The world is a very big and scary place for a such a tiny bunny. Trust is a big step.
It takes time for rabbits to learn trust. And Abigail is no exception. The world is a very big and scary place for a such a tiny bunny. Trust is a big step.
When dad adopted Abigail, he made a vow to always protect her, to care for her, to give her unconditional love and attention. Some things never change.
This was a big year for Bentley. He finally found his forever home, he learned what being a free roam bunny was like, he got his first Christmas tree…
Abigail spreads some Christmas cheer. She and Dad get busy with a craft project, then head to the shelter to give out gifts to rabbit friends.
Dad and Abigail plan a very special surprise for bunnies who are spending the holidays in the shelter. Abigail wanted to give them her favorite treat.
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