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Young at heart, superfoods for elders

Young at Heart: superfoods for Elders!

Young at Heart is blended to take extra special care of elder animals. It is an anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic, to help with the aches and pains of old age.  It is a kidney and liver tonic, to keep those toxins flushed.  It has some extra calories and good fats, to keep weight on.  It has … Continue Reading

elderbuns the bum

Elderbuns: the bum

Older rabbits aren’t as flexible.  They’ve got tired bones and things just aren’t as bendy as they used to be.  This means it is harder for them to reach those private parts and keep everything nice and tidy.  You may notice the dreaded streaks on your floor, or even a less than flowery odor.  The … Continue Reading

Elderbuns part 2

Elderbuns and arthritis, pt. 2

photo credit: using doll bed from Ikea Today we continue talking about how to help our Elderbuns.  Did you miss the first part of our info on arthritis?  No problem, it is right here. Many of our older animals deal with arthritis, general stiffness and soreness, aches and pains, and some chronic inflammation – just like … Continue Reading

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