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health issues

rabbits and pineapples don't mix

Pineapple Can Make Stasis Worse

Stasis, where the gut slows down or stops completely, plagues many unlucky rabbits. Caught early, stasis can be treated. Getting the rabbit to eat is important for recovery. However, some foods can make stasis worse. Pineapple, an old wives’ tale remedy, is particularly dangerous.  A rabbit with stasis should consume as few sugars as possible. Sugar … Continue Reading

rabbits with diabetes

Diabetes in Rabbits

​True diabetes is rare to arguably non-existent in rabbits. Good news for the vast majority of buns! It is so uncommon that rabbit-savvy vets with years of experience may never have had to diagnose and treat a case … bad news for the unlucky patient.  Diabetes mellitus occurs due to a dysfunction of the pancreas. … Continue Reading

rabbit getting a check up

Part 3 of Special Needs Rabbits: Eating and Drinking – what works, what doesn’t, and why

Catch up on the previous installment here. Unless a disabled bunny is on a strict diet, she can eat anything that a healthy bunny can. This means hay (timothy, orchard grass, and oats for variety), quality pellets, and vegetables. How and what you feed a special-needs bunny depends on the kind of disability he has. Is she partially … Continue Reading

rabbit getting check up

Special Needs Rabbits

For the past 30 years, I’ve lived with rabbits, during which time they’ve patiently (some not so patiently—even the kindest rabbits have their limits) taught me a lot. Especially the special-needs bunnies. I also volunteer for a rabbit rescue group that takes in special-needs bunnies, as well as those who need hospice care. Some bunnies have … Continue Reading

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