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Belinda the Spokesrabbit: Bedtime Story by Me

Belinda Says Hay: “Bedtime Story by Me”

Hello. It’s Belinda. Today is the big day. The final bedtime story from the “slumber party” my roommate hosted on the bottom level. You can read my roommate’s story here. Little Fang told one too. It’s what you might expect.   The English stole his. It’s pretty good.  Now it’s my turn and I’m a little nervous to tell … Continue Reading

Belinda the Spokesrabbit blog: "Bedtime Story by The English"

Belinda Says Hay: “Bedtime Story by The English”

Hello. It’s Belinda. First things first. Is it extra hot or stormy where you live? I’m worried about everyone. If you can, leave a comment below and let me know how you are. This weather is nonsense in my opinion. Come on. Speaking of nonsense, this blog is about the English. Mostly about the bedtime story he told during … Continue Reading

Belinda the spokesrabbit blog: "Bedtime Story by Little Fang"

Belinda Says Hay: “Bedtime Story by Little Fang”

Hello. It’s Belinda. Last week I wrote about the little “slumber party” my roommate hosted during the neighborhood fireworks. Actually Little Fang and I hosted it. Everyone crashed down here on the bottom level. By everyone I mean my roommate and the English. The highlight of the night was the bedtime story my roommate told. If you didn’t read … Continue Reading

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