It’s probably true that a guinea pig doesn’t need to have treats. But picture this, your neighbor brings over some cookies for you. Now what? You think your neighbor is a pretty swell guy! What I’m trying to say is, guinea pig treats are a real bonding activity.

Of course, bonding over treats can only happen if the treats don’t make us guinea pigs sick. There’s a way to bond over food with a guinea pig, it just needs to be done the right way.
Which brings us here today. You, me, and a bunch of guinea pig treats. Let’s clear the air of these mistakes so that we can get on to the good stuff.
Yogurt Drops And Treats With Added Sugar
Let’s start with one of the most common mistakes people make. Yogurt drops. It’s easy to make this mistake because pet stores are always making this mistake!
Yogurt drops have tons of added sugar which is horrible for a guinea pig's digestive system. Guinea pigs should also be vegan! So if there’s yogurt in the yogurt drops, I really don’t want to try to digest dairy. Sometimes other treats in the pet store have added sugar too so always check the label!
And now is a good time to mention that you should never share chocolate, cookies, or candy with me. Keep your treats to yourself! Unless that treat is fruit, which brings me to the next mistake.
Too Much Fruit
This is where you need to lean in close and really listen to me. I am not saying you shouldn’t give guinea pigs fruit. That would be a real shame.
What I want to tell you here is that fruit is a treat. That means it’s okay to give your guinea pig small pieces of apple or banana but not every day. It’s not dinner, people! It’s what should be on the neighbor-gift plate every once in a while!

The problem with too much fruit is that even though it’s natural sugar, it is still sugar. Too much fruit can lead to diarrhea. And long term it can lead to obesity and tooth rot. So let fruit be the delectable rarity it is.
Toxic Plants
When you think about us guinea pigs, you might think we would love anything you grow in your garden. Now, I do like what you have growing in your garden but there are a few things in there you can keep to yourself.
Garlic and Onions
Garlic and onions are not guinea pig treats. Anything in the onion family actually! These plants contain a compound that damages a guinea pig's red blood cells. Which can cause breathing problems and weakness.
Potatoes contain solanine which is toxic to guinea pigs. They also contain a high level of carbohydrates which isn’t good for guinea pigs either.
The skin, pit, and seeds of avocado are poisonous for guinea pigs. The flesh is high in fat so even that part should be kept on the human’s plate. Nuts are also too high in fat for us!
House Plants and Flowers In Your Garden
A lot of flowers are poisonous for guinea pigs. When in doubt, don’t give it to them! Even daisies are poisonous to guinea pigs.
So rather than list all the plants you shouldn’t share, here are a few that are okay to give your cavies! Dandelions, marigolds, roses, and chamomiles are all actually good for guinea pigs!
Never Feeding Treats at All
Now, if you ask me this is the biggest mistake of all. Sometimes when you don’t know exactly how to do something, you don’t do it.
But now, after spending some time here, you might feel more confident that you can get this right. Guinea pig treats give variety to life! They get everyone excited and as mentioned, create a bonding experience.
Here are a few of my favorite treats that you can get for your guinea pigs without having to worry about their health at all! These are natural, and just what the doctor ordered.
Hay Cubes
Hay cubes are the perfect treat to eat without any worry. Why? Because the only ingredient is hay! You can’t go wrong with these. Sure I eat hay all day, but these cubes put an exciting spin on the hay by giving it a new texture and crunch.
Healthy Snackers
Healthy snackers take the idea of hay cubes but add a little more to the recipe. These come in different flavors where different fruits are added. Very tasty!
Dried Papaya
Remember, we don’t eat fruit all the time. But when you’re looking for something to put in my stocking, feel free to add dried papaya.
Papaya is a fruit that humans don’t always have lying around. This means, for a lot of guinea pigs, their only chance to try papaya is with the dried version. And boy do we love it!
There are plenty of other healthy guinea pig treats to check out, so don’t stop here. Part of the fun of guinea pig treats is getting to try something new!